Nothing But Wind
To make a musical instrument speak a language, to make it express a range of emotions, is no ordinary musician’s feat. It needs an extraordinary musician to translate notes into not words but feelings! His concerts always open to a good audience, and it was not surprising to see a full house at Raga Sudha Hall, despite it being (the so called) ‘after the season’ concert. What was impressive is the nature of the audience…. these were not the usual dazzling people, who probably plan the previous day itself, what to wear and plan the accessories as well. After all, they need to look almost as good as the artiste on stage, which is not easy if it is someone like RaGa .The easiest artistes to match up to, in terms of dress code, will be Sanjay or Kunnakudi Balamurali or Palghat Ramprasad, who decide to keep it all white ! This audience is not those who are more interested in the canteen menu than the concert, in any case Raga Sudha Hall, which is tucked away behind Nageshwara Rao Park, has ...